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Best FUE Hair Transplant Jaipur

Get Successful Hair Transplant
at Engrace Clinics Jaipur

FUE Hair Transplant Jaipur

You can get successful FUE hair transplant Jaipur at Engrace Clinics Jaipur. Here, we use the FUE, i.e. Follicular Unit Extraction method, for hair transplantation. Single follicular units contain one to four hairs that are removed by injecting local anesthesia. In the process of micro removal of hairs, small punches are used that have diameters ranging between 0.6 mm and 1.0 mm. Our doctors then use micro blades or fine needles to prick the area for receiving grafts. They are placed in a predetermined pattern and density allocating to the patient. The placement is done at such an angle so that the scars are not visible while also promoting a realistic pattern of hair. The final procedure is done by inserting individual grafts in the recipient area.

FUE Hair Transplant

Why get hair transplantation by FUE method?

  • A patient doesn’t have to go through painful cuts and stitches because in this method of hair transplantation taking an entire strip of scalp from the back of the head is not required.
  • The time required for recuperation is very less and hence, a patient is fit to join work from the next day.
  • It is a scar-free surgery.

 People who should opt for FUE?

  • People having slight baldness due to hair fall or hair loss.
  • People who are fond of short hairstyles.
  • People who have a vigorous schedule for the day like sportsmen, etc.
  • People who want minimally invasive surgeries and who want to abstain from cuts, scars and stitches on their scalp.
  • People who want to recover quick.

FUE Hair Procedure in Jaipur

At Engrace Clinics, the hair transplant procedure is carried out with utmost care and attention by Dr Akhil Agarwal, recognized as top hair transplant surgeon in Jaipur.  Hair transplantation by FUE method includes taking the individual individual hair follicles from the donor area typically head’s back one by one by trimming around it through a minor specific machine and uprooting them. The last technique is finished by embeddings individual hair graft in the infected region of major hair loss or bald area. The number of grafts required depends on the extent of the bald area and the desired density of hair.  FUE Hair Transplant procedure is dreary and takes a couple of hours, however, is painless after a couple desensitizing infusions are given. After effects of FUE reaping are extremely characteristic and post-transplantation, there is no noticeable scar. Appropriate consideration and attention are given to each and every patient.

Hair Transplant at Engrace Clinics Jaipur

Engrace Clinics Jaipur offers the best FUE hair transplant surgery in Jaipur. Sessions for the FUE procedure can be covered in one long single session, or several small settings. Results of FUE harvesting are very natural and post-transplantation, there is no prominent scar. We give proper attention to every single patient. Our doctors are highly-educated and have experience in executing hair transplant surgery successfully. With our expertise, we maximize the success rate of each transplantation and ensure optimal hair growth. Rediscover your confidence with FUE hair transplant at Engrace Clinics Jaipur. Our skilled experts deliver exceptional, natural-looking results for a renewed appearance. Book an appointment now.



Plot No 6, Vidhayak Nagar, Behind Jyoti Nagar Police Station and next to Unique Aura Building, Sahakaar Marg, Lalkothi , Jaipur-302005


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