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Get Adorable Dimples

Dimple Creation at Engrace Clinics Jaipur

Dimple Creation

Dimple surgery or dimple creation surgery is a reproducible and reliable procedure to create or articulate permanent natural-looking dimples by transiting a transcutaneous biopsy stitch to bind the inner cheek in order to form a cylindrical shallow defect without harming the external skin. Aesthetic surgical knot forms an attractive dimple either one of both sides of face on cheek area without smiling. It is non-invasive surgical procedure that is safe as no damage of tissues related to buccal mucosa occurs without any haematoma formation and acute bleeding. Anatomically, natural dimples are caused by double bifid or zygomaticus muscles of facial cheeks.


Creation Surgery procedure:

A small stab slit is marked with a surgical knife down side the lip on the desired dimple creation site. The shrill blade is inserted in the marketed sit in order to scrap off mucomuscular on the mucosal region without hurting or tearing or breaching it. Small areas are rubbed off for forming a wide dimple with a knife. A defect or dent is formed. A straight needle is conceded through the targeted skin area to bring back the mucosa to create a bolster stich. It delivers a longitudinal dimple.

Dimple creation surgery is conducted under the administration of general or local anaesthesia as it hardly takes 20 minutes.


Post- Operative Care and Recovery:

7-10 days are the healing period with mild swelling, numbness and tightness. Bolster stitch is detached the 7 day of surgery. A nice and prominent dimple hint can be witnessed after taking out the stitch. Created dimples appear as prominent within a few days to intensify the beauty of a patient’s face. No serious bleeding, weakness and acute pain will occur during the recovery period.

Dimple Creation Surgery 

Dimpleplasty blesses a patient with beautiful, lovely natural- looking dimples as an outcome.



Plot No 6, Vidhayak Nagar, Behind Jyoti Nagar Police Station and next to Unique Aura Building, Sahakaar Marg, Lalkothi , Jaipur-302005


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